Medicine Women | History

Vaginal steaming, sometimes shortened to V-steaming, and also known as yoni steaming, is an alternative health treatment whereby a woman squats or sits over steaming water containing herbs such as mugwort, rosemary, wormwood, and basil.

The Yoni (Vaginal) Steam dates back thousands of years and is seen in almost every indigenous culture. African, Mayan, Greek, Native American, Cook Islands, Filipino, Japanese, and many other Asian countries have described the practice as Yoni Steam, V-Steams, Vaginal Steaming, Chai-yok, or Bajos. These cultures have used Yoni steaming as a routine ritual to honor and connect with their feminine energy. Yoni Steams can be utilized to restore balance and clear away stagnation. It’s popularity has been steadily growing in the West.

Did you know....

In Ancient Greece and Rome, women’s health issues were sometimes directly attributed to the womb, or hystera in Greek. Ancient doctors believed that women experienced a myriad physical symptoms due to the uterus’s movement around the body in search of moisture, which has led to early instances of hysteria to be referred to as ‘wandering womb syndrome’.

The idea of a wandering womb was linked to the social control of women to the norm of marriage and childbearing. Over the centuries, the thought persisted that physical ailments were caused by misplaced wombs. The commonly prescribed cure was often marriage (and marital sex by extension) or pregnancy, as they were thought to affix the uterus into its rightful place. However, by the 19th century, the understanding of hysteria began to shift from a physical ailment to a psychological one that manifested in physical and emotional symptoms.


Yoni steams offer us the autonomy and power to shift the narrative and restore the disconnect from our female body, yoni/uterus, whether that be from birth, unsatisfying intimate experiences, trauma, abuse, surgeries, or just cultural disconnect.

Yoni steaming as a self-health practice to restore health and balance your physical feminine cycles, ease the transition through life phases, unlock the intimate magic of your womb, and release toxic emotions such as stress, tension, and stagnation.

Lesson Summary

Vaginal steaming, also known as yoni steaming, is an alternative health treatment where a woman sits over steaming water with herbs like mugwort, rosemary, wormwood, and basil. The practice is ancient and can be found in indigenous cultures such as African, Mayan, Greek, Native American, Filipino, Japanese, among others.

Key points about yoni steaming:

  • Yoni steaming is a routine ritual in many cultures to connect with feminine energy.
  • It aims to restore balance and clear stagnation in the body.
  • Popularity of yoni steaming is increasing in the Western world.

In ancient Greece and Rome, health issues in women were sometimes attributed to the womb, called "hystera" in Greek. It was believed that women's physical symptoms were due to the womb moving around the body, leading to early instances of hysteria.

Insights on Herstory Yoni steams:

  • Yoni steaming offers autonomy and power to restore the female body connection.
  • It helps in restoring health and balance in feminine cycles, easing life phase transitions, unlocking the womb's magic, and releasing toxic emotions like stress and tension.

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